Sunday, November 14, 2010

Demon Bread

I stopped by the Bi-Lo on Ooltewah-Ringgold road last night for a quick pop-in to buy dinner rolls to go with a new recipe I was trying.  As I looked up and down the bread aisle for the little rolls that come in the aluminum tray, I had a moment of fright that they would not have them.  But oh glorious, I finally found them and then had a complete heart attack.  Somebody must think those rolls are made of gold,  $3 something a bag.  I waited to see if any tricks would come forth but the bread just laid there.  I took a deep breath, grabbed two bags and headed toward the check out.  The registered confirmed my suspicion this bread was made by the devil when my total cost was $6.66.  As I was cooking dinner, I ran a math log in my head to determine the cost of the dinner.  I had 2 chicken breasts and pasta in a Cream Parmesan Sauce.  The total main dish cost less than the bread did but that bread is sooooo good.  And I have left overs, hmmm time for a snack.

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