Sunday, May 1, 2011

Time for Change

Angel Oak Tree-Charleston SC
Well, this has been one wild week. I spent 3 days in beautiful Charleston, SC. I came home Sunday night, and on  Monday morning at 4:45am, I dropped my mom off at the airport for her trip to Israel. On Wednesday, the worse storms to strike the south in recorded history struck, leaving us without power for three days. Thursday I awoke to a sick feeling that would grow worse until Friday evening when I finally gave in and went to bed. Spent most of Saturday in the bed. I still managed to feed my family (including my dad) with no power and a very bad virus.
When I left for Charleston, I decided to take stock of my life and see where it is heading. I have lost my love for writing. I don't know what is wrong. Well, Charleston did not provide me an answer neither did three days ill and without power. I was browsing through my facebook posts when I came across someone thanking a dear friend of mine for singing Casting Crown's "I will praise you in the Storm" at church. I had to listen to it. That is one of my favorite songs. After spending some time in praise to God, I realized my problem was I was focusing on the wrong things (as usual). Yes, I feel that I should be doing something else, that door will open when it is suppose to and not a moment before then, so stop fretting over it. So I don't want to write like I did a few months ago, the world will not end. It did not provide that much extra money anyway. I am going to give up the website, "Dusty's Market" and just blog on here and my Chattanooga blog. I might write a few articles for the other websites, but I need to spend some time refocusing.
We shall see where I will go from here. Thank you for reading. Feel free to comment or post your reaction.

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